The Perfect Casino Night at Home – Making It Rain From the Comfort of Your Couch!

Well hello there, fellow gamblers! Welcome to our article! As you’re already familiar with the title, we’ll share some tips and tricks on how to throw the best Casino Night at home! And no, we’re not talking about sitting in front of the computer and play at an online casino (although, that’s also an idea!). We’ve made a list of all the needed supplies to make the ultimate Casino party! We’ll share with you some DIY projects, we’ll propose some food recipes and all that jazz! Trust us, this will help you become the best host in all the land and we know you and your buddies are going to have a wonderful time. Let’s get into it!
Perfect Casino Party Night at Home Share on Pinterest

Hack Your Own Casino – Easy DIY Projects!

Let’s start with the DIY stuff. If you don’t know. DIY stands for ‘Do It Yourself’ – in other words, you make different types of crafts on your own. We’ll share some ideas how to make your own poker/blackjack table on a budget, we’ll share some decorating ideas to make the casino night even more ‘casino-ish’ (is that a word?) and… well, we’ll see what might pop up next!

DIY Poker/Blackjack/Roulette Table

So, you have two options here! One is to do a casino table from scratch – full on DIY mode! Keep in mind that you will need a lot of materials like carpenter’s glue, plywood, foam, staples and etc. if you want your table to look like a real casino table. The second option is probably a little bit easier (for us it is, we’re lazy people!) and you most probably have most of the materials lying around at home (or standing).

You need a dining table and a volunteer to play the role of the Dealer and, if you want to make it as accurate as possible, you can get a green tablecloth and either leave it like that or do the needed symbols with a marker or washi-tape. Another option is to buy a pre-made DIY casino set – there are a lot of places where you could get it from or rent it and it’ll save you some cash in the long run.

DIY Poker/Blackjack/Roulette Table

Needed Casino Equipment

Depending on what you and your friends would like to play, there are a lot of games that you could offer at your perfect casino night. The main components are: a few decks of cards, chips, a roulette wheel, a set or two of dice. You can definitely find all of that on a good price separately or together (you know, in those fancy boxes). If you want to stick to the DIY vibe of the party, you could easily make your own chips and roulette wheel from cardboard or any other material – get creative! Your guests will be impressed! Casino Equipment

Let’s Decorate! How to Make Your Party More Casino-ish And Fun!

To be honest, we love decorating! Whether it’s for a birthday or Christmas, we really enjoy looking for some DIY ideas and crafts that would make the occasion even more special. We had a lot of fun looking for some décor ideas for a casino night at home or just a casino-themed party and here’s what we found (Thank you, Pinterest and all the bloggers out there!):

    Card Tags

  • Wine/champagne glass tags from playing cards – you’ll probably need a lot of decks of cards for both playing and decorating. This is one simple and very classy type of decorating that we think your friends would like. Just punch a hole into a card, cut it a little bit so that it can fit on the glass and write the name of the guest. Easy-breezy! And it looks cool, too!
  • Card Garlands

  • Playing card garlandsyou’ll need ribbons, some tape and playing cards. Just tape cards to some ribbon and place the garland however you like – horizontal, vertical, hanging from the door, lying on the sofa, you decide! Your guests will like it a lot. If this type of decoration doesn’t fit your overall casino vibe – just play with the cards! Or use them for our next idea.
  • Utensil Rings

  • Fancy utensil rings – get some red/white/black napkins, a ribbon, playing cards and a puncher. Punch a hole in one or two cards, wrap the utensils in the napkin and tie everything with a ribbon. Classy and casino-themed! And, again, if this is not your decor forte or you’re just finished with your meal – grab the cards and play a quick game of Poker or Baccarat!

Most of these DIY’s are with cards, but you can use cardboard, tissue paper or whatever else you like to use as craft materials and just add elements, connected with a casino. We have more tricks up our sleeves, which you can check out in our other article dedicated to decoration. In addition, you can check our previous post for ideas & easy DIY tricks for creating the ultimate gaming room casino style room at home. We recommend you grab your friends and prepare everything together – it’ll be more fun plus an extra hand is always welcome!

There Is No Party Without Drinks and Something to Eat!

All is set, you have the decorations, you have the table set and all the equipment needed, now it’s time to think about the most important element of the night – the food and drinks (that makes two elements.)! You can never go wrong with the following – pizza, burgers, chips, soda, wine, champagne, chocolate for the ladies (and the gents, we know you like chocolate, too). However, if you want to keep it classy, here are some suggestions we found!

Casino Cupcake Tower

Everybody loves cupcakes and they’re super easy to make. Eggs, flour, butter, baking powder or you could just use a cake mix and separate it in muffin tins. Make frosting, buy some cookie cutters in the shape of hearts, spades and etc and start decorating! Cupcake Tower

Poker Cookies

These can be made for an ‘Alice in Wonderland’ themed party as well – you just need cookie cutters in the shape of cards with their symbols or you could free-hand them, it’s up to you. We believe you’ll have a lot of fun during the preparation. Bake and serve – they’ll be gone within seconds! Everybody loves cookies! Poker Cookies

All Kinds of Appetizers

Mini-burgers, meatballs, whatever you and your friends like as appetizers you can prepare for the casino night. Make sure you add a tiny heart or a spades’ shape and go with the red, black and white colours as your main guide. Appetizers

We mentioned what you could prepare as drinks, you know best what people will drink. Check out which are the best (mixed) drinks at the casino for some ideas what to prepare! Try to serve it in a fun way – whether it’s going to be in crazy cups or as a fancy cocktail mix, the important thing is to have fun. Drink responsibly and enjoy!

What to Wear?

Okay, you’ve prepared everything for the perfect casino night. Well done! But aren’t you missing something? We’ll give you a little hint: we suppose you wouldn’t like people to show up in their pyjamas, right? Since it’s a casino-themed party, it would be ideal to have a dress code included to make the party more fun! There are some specific rules players should follow when it comes to clothing when entering a casino.

We recommend you make your research based on a casino you would go play at, check out what is the dress code and use this as a guide for you and your guests’ outfits for the casino night at home. Modern casino fashion is definitely another way to spice the party up – it could be a ‘Bond’ themed party or just a casual friend gathering in comfy clothes. Check out what is trendy now in our dedicated post!

That’s a Wrap!

We know we could add a lot more ideas and recipes, but we’ll definitely continue. It could be ‘The Perfect Casino Night at Home 2 – The Afterparty!’, what do you say? Stay tuned and check regularly! Thank you so much for dropping by our blog – we hope you’ll find some inspiration and that you’ll make the best casino night ever! We’d love it if you could share photos!

We’d be happy if you also share what your perfect casino night would look like on our social media – you’ll find our handles below! Remember – play and drink responsibly and have fun with your friends (well, not too much)! Oh, and now we recalled that there is one more thing that might help you with the organisation – our gallery of free casino images! Enjoy!

🥇How do you start a casino night at home?

First of all, you need to start planning everything early. What budget you will need, who's coming and who is not, not to mention the casino equipment needed. The sooner you start thinking about those things, the better. Then you have to settle on a particular theme and to send out invitations.

🎰 How to make casino decoration for my party?

The best and easy to use items for your casino decoration are, undoubtedly, playing cards. You can use them for a range of things - from garlands to glass tags - they just seem to fit everywhere. We have the best tips on how to make your own casino decoration at home in our article.

🍟 What food is served at a casino party?

The best things to serve at a casino party are small sugary bite-sized treats that everyone likes. This could be cupcakes, cookies, appetizers, you know something unpretentious to munch on while playing. We lay out a bunch of ideas in our blog regarding the best casino party foods from our personal experience.

💵 How much is it to have a casino party?

We like to think that a party guest costs between $15 to $30 to the party host. In any case, prepare at least $300 for a party budget. After all, you have to allow for unexpected costs like transportation or additional drinks in case the action heats up in the middle of the night.

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